SUPERCARGO CLASS SIGN-UPS – The Joint Clerks Labor Relations Committee has agreed to conduct a Supercargo class and are close to completing the curriculum. We are still discussing dates, class size and the number of classes but we wanted to start a new sign up list for interested members. There are two ways to get on the list. As always, there will be a sign-up list placed down in dispatch. As an alternative, you may simply email us at and put “Supercargo Class” in the email Subject line and in the body of the email include your full name and work number. We will merge this into one list by seniority in the local and if there is a tie, seniority in the ILWU. The deadline to express your interest in attending the Supercargo Class via Sign-Up Sheet or email is Friday, October 30 at 4:30 p.m. As soon as the Local 63 Officers have more information about the class, interested members will be notified.