Official ballots shall be mailed out no later than Friday, November 8th. Section 2.H of the Local 63 Constitution states only active dues paying members in good standing, as defined in Section 2.K shall be eligible to vote on ballots prepared by the Titled Officers on behalf of the Local and/or various units within the Local. In order to be considered in good standing per our Constitution, you must have dues paid up to the current month and owe no more than $100 in fines and assessments. Therefore, to be eligible to receive a ballot from the Business Office, a member must be in good standing with the Local. If you have not received a ballot, it is most likely due to the fact that you are not in good standing, so please check with the Business Office. For members requesting a replacement ballot, call the Business Office at: (310) 521-6363, or email to: by Monday, November 25th. Ballots must be received at Local 63’s P.O. Box or in the designated ballot box located in the Local 63 Business Office by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 2nd, in order to be counted. Ballots shall be counted by the Local 63 Balloting Committee in accordance with the Local 63 election policy, rules and procedures with results posted by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 2nd.